10 Largest Creatures Found On Shore


Blue Whales



These creatures are considered the largest animals known to have existed in the world. Blue whales can grow up to 100ft in length and can weigh up to 200 tons in weight. In 2014, a number of these creatures were once found on the shores of Newfoundland. The cleanup was so massive that it took a lot of people to do it. Click the Next arrow to see the next image!

Giant Squid



Another majestic creature found on the shore is the giant squid. In 2004, a live giant squid was captured on video for the first time. Finally, in 2013, one of its kind was washed up ashore at the Spanish community in Cantabria. It can grow up to 43ft long, but the one found ashore measured 30ft and weighed 400lbs. Click the Next arrow to see the next image!

Giant Oarfish



This creature is considered the largest bony fish in the world. It can grow from 36-56ft in length and spends most of its time in the depths of the ocean. In 2015, a giant oarfish was found in Catalina Island. According to scientists, it nearly measured 24ft when it was alive and should have weighed around 200lbs. Click the Next arrow to see the next image!

Sperm Whales



Sperm whales can grow up to a massive 59ft in length. Although not the largest types of whales, they have the largest brains compared to any other creature on the planet. A total of 13 sperm whales were washed up on the beach of Germany in 2016. A lot of garbage was found inside their bodies, including a huge fishing net, a bucket, and a plastic car engine cover. Click the Next arrow to see the next image!

Hairy Mystery Blob


The hairy mystery blob is a type of hybrid between whale and polar bear. Proof of their existence was found at a beach in the Philippines in February 2017. It measured 20ft in length and 4,000lbs in weight. Lots of speculations about what it is, but scientists say that its size says that it is a kind of whale. Click the Next arrow to see the next image!



A huge jellyfish measuring 5 feet in diameter was discovered by a 12 year-old on the beach in Tasmania. It was a jellyfish species not yet identified by scientists. It was just described to look like a mop with a dinner plate on top. It is among the different species called the Lion’s Mane jellyfish that can be found in Tasmania. Click the Next arrow to see the next image!

Megamouth Shark

A huge creature was found in the Philippine shores in 2015. It was described as a shark that measures 15ft long. According to experts, this was a megamouth shark, a rare type of shark that only 60 of them have ever been seen by humans. Click the Next arrow to see the next image!

New Zealand Monster

A 30ft long creature was found on the beach of New Zealand. Lots of speculations surfaced as what these creatures really are, which was thought to be a saltwater crocodile or oversized moray eel. An expert even believed that it was the remains of a killer whale. Click the Next arrow to see the next image!

Basking Shark

These creatures are referred to as the 2nd largest fish that you can ever find at sea. Although they rarely surface out in the open, one of its kind was found in 2015. However, it was already lifeless on the shoreline. It measured 30ft in length, but it wasn’t a threat to humans as they mostly feed on plankton. Click the Next arrow to see the next image!

Basking Shark

The largest fish in the sea is the whale shark. According to experts, it can reach up to 42 feet in length. However, it is not a threat to humans because its species only eat planktons. In 2016, a 42-foot long whale shark was found in India, weighing at a massive 21 tons.
