14-Year-Old Suddenly Keeps Buying Extra Tampons, But Then Mom Realizes They’re Not For Her


Lily Alter’s freshman English teacher at Oak Park River Forest High School asked her students to write mock grant proposals for a social issue of their choosing.

The 14-year-old girl from the suburbs of Chicago decided to focus her project on a rather taboo topic: homeless women and hygiene.

The more Lily delved into the assignment, the more she realized how big of a burden this issue can be for homeless women. Many homeless women can’t afford food and housing, let alone necessary feminine items like menstrual hygiene products. While these items are obviously necessary, it’s nearly impossible to obtain them for free.

That’s when Lily took what she was learning from her English assignment a step further. She went beyond the classroom and out into the real world.

The determined teen quickly came up with a plan — and it blew not only her teacher away, but also her entire community.

Watch the video below to see what Lily actually achieved, and please Liked Video her inspiring story with your friends on Facebook!
