15 Unique Body Features That Almost No One Has


The human body is an amazing thing capable of remarkable miracles.

Just think about what it takes to make a baby, or to heal from a life-threatening injury! You can’t even begin to imagine how incredible and complex your body is!

But some people take it to the next level, and they are part of a very small amount of people who have unique attributes to their bodies.

It just makes them a little bit more special.

We’re not talking about super powers or being fifty feet tall here, oh no. We’re just talking about some things that you could even miss while talking to someone. They could be the most unique person you’ve ever met, and you would know it, because their amazing body hides a secret.

Read on to find out about some of the incredibly distinctive characteristics that your body could have!

1. Wisdom teeth


Those people who have suffered painful dental problems, or even had their wisdom teeth extracted, might be surprised to learn that 20% of people don’t have wisdom teeth! Their the percentage of people who have them does vary a lot across different populations. For example, almost 100% of Mexicans don’t have wisdom teeth, while virtually all Tasmanian aborigines do! Interesting stuff, right?

2. Blue eyes

Did you know that only 8% of all the people in the world have blue eyes? But you’re way more likely to see blue eyed people in European or Scandinavian countries like Estonia or Finland. Apparently blue eye color is due to a mutation in a gene called HERC2, which leads to reduced melanin production in the iris, making the eye a light blue color. Research even suggests that all blue eyed people in the world may all share just one common ancestor!

3. Morton’s toe

10% of people have Morton’s toe: a foot structure where the first toe is shorter than the second. It is a trait that has long been associated with great beauty, and the Egyptian ruler Cleopatra is said to have had toes like this! It was certainly respected by the Romans and throughout the Renaissance, with many sculptures having Morton’s toe. Even the Statue of Liberty has feet like this!

4. Hair whorl

Only 8.4% of people have counterclockwise hair whorls on their head. But on the other hand, if you belong to the 10% of the population who are left-handed, there’s actually a 45% chance you’ll have this weird hair whorl! How crazy is that!

5. Sneezing

Have you ever heard of somebody being allergic to the sun? Yep, that’s right, 25% of all people have an unusual reaction to sunlight: sneezing! It’s called the “photic sneeze reflex”, and causes sufferers to sneeze when they look at a bright light, such as the sun. The condition is estimated to affect 18 to 35% of the population in the United States, but its exact mechanism of action is not well understood.

6. Single palmar crease

The single transverse palmar crease, or the “simian crease,” is when you have only one crease in your palm, rather than the more usual two. Men are twice as likely as women to have this characteristic, and it tends to run in families. It’s more common among Asians and Native Americans than among other populations, and it is more likely in these populations to be inherited on just one hand.

7. Outie navel


An inverted navel, or an ‘outie’ bellybutton is found only in 10% of adults. Many people think that the shape of the navel depends on the way the umbilical cord is cut at birth, but that’s actually not true. The only thing that matters is how the scar heals afterwards.

8. Heart on the right

Just one person out of 12,019 has their heart on the right side of the chest, which actually seems like a lot! The medical name for this congenital condition – meaning you inherit it through your genes – is called “dextrocardia”, and it usually doesn’t have any negative health implications for those who have it.

9. Clasping hands



Okay, clasp your hands together and knot fingers like you normally would. Now look at the position of your thumbs: 50% hold the right thumb above the left one, while 49% do it the other way around. But only 1% of people place the thumbs next to each other! Weird!

10. Fingerprints

Only 5% of the population have these arch-shaped fingerprints (the rest of us peasants have loop-shaped or whorl-shaped fingerprints), so if you find yourself with these, consider yourself pretty unique!

11. Light hair

Natural blonds are rare among adults since light hair actually darkens with age. The percentage of fair-haired adults in the population varies from 2% to 16%, again depending on what country you’re in.

12. Red hair

Redheads are an even rarer occurrence and make up 1-2% of the planet’s population. This hair color is caused by a genetic mutation, which some scientists think might actually be dying out. Save the gingers!

13. Curly hair

It seems crazy, but only 11% of the world’s population has naturally curly hair! Wow!

14. Х on hands


Lines forming the letter Х on the palms of both hands is a very rare thing for somebody to have. It’s so rare that it’s regarded by some as a sign of a strong character, and only 3% of people are said to share this trait.

15. Gleeking


Gleeking is spitting saliva from the submandibular gland below your tongue. It can occur spontaneously while you’re talking, eating, or yawning and affects about 35% of the population. Then there are the real weirdos, the fewer than 1% of people who can do it on command!

Which of these do you find the most remarkable? Let us know with a COMMENT, especially if you have one of these amazing features! And of course don’t forget to Liked Video to spread some wonder!
