16 life hacks you literally never thought of


Some people aren’t down with life hacks. Instead, they prefer doing things the old-fashioned (difficult) way. Suit yourself, whatever, but honestly, life is hard enough as it is, so if there are easy ways to avoid life’s little hassles, why not take a shortcut from time to time?

Seriously, there is no shame in this DIY game.

1. Suddenly, moving clothes isn’t such a hassle.
Here’s one of the better hacks I’ve seen. Moving a bunch of clothes at once is a messy, awkward proposition…unless you use a kitchen garbage bag to pull off this simple and borderline-genius trick.


2. Protect your registration sticker.
Thieves have been known to steal up-to-date car registration stickers. Stop this from happening to you by scoring the sticker with a razor blade. If a thief sees that it’ll fall apart, they’re less likely to want to take it.


3. This makes Ikea assembly that much easier.
When you’re putting something together, it can be tough to organize the various screws it comes with. Just grab a piece of paper or cardboard and a Sharpie and poke the screws through for a simple solution.


4. The best use yet for those pizza things.
Just sawing off one of the legs of these things turns them into the perfect phone stand. And to think that the only use I could find for these things was as a table for action figures…


5. Make your shower work harder.
For those days when you’re so congested you can barely wake up, try mixing up this solution for an invigorating, cleansing experience in the shower.


6. No more migrating Tupperware.
Tupperware, because it’s so light, has a terrible way of flying all over the inside of a dishwasher. Weigh it down using a metal dish rack.


7. An indispensable wrench hack.
If your metal wrench is too big for the job, just use some extra metal (coins, in this case) to make things fit a little better.


8. Buy bobby pins, but don’t instantly lose 95% of them.
Bobby pins are handy, but they have a way of ending up everywhere. Corral these wayward pins with this simple drawer-based solution.


9. Wall-mounted TV, dorm-style.
Dorm dwellers know it can be tough to make their room feel like home. A couple of sticky command hooks make a great wall mount for your tablet.


10. Simple binder access.
If you have to use binders for work or school, take advantage of those inside pockets by making them more accessible. A Post-It note gives easy access and prevents pockets from sticking to the binder.


11. Carabiners are your best friend.
They hold keys, they contain bottle openers, and they can also make grocery missions that much easier. No more plastic bag handles cutting into your hands!


12. A better icepack.
Unless you have a fancy purpose-built icepack, most homemade versions wind up all melty and sloppy. If you contain the water in a sponge before freezing it, it’ll make things tidier — not to mention softer.


13. Here’s how to get coworkers’ coffees like a pro.
Those unwieldy drink trays can be made more convenient if you cut or rip them in half, then stack them in a skinny paper bag.


14. No more garbage bin hassle.
Having a foot pedal garbage bin is super convenient, except for when the pressure isn’t equalized and things get stuck. You can eliminate this issue with a simple straw.


15. Stripped screw? No problem.

Stripped screws can be the bane of your existence when disassembling things. All is not lost, though, if you use a rubber band to give your screwdriver some extra torque.


16. Taco night: never ruined again.
If you don’t get those fancy stand-up taco shells, there’s still hope when it comes to keeping hard tacos upright. Just use a fork to give your shells the stability they need.


What life hack have you gone back to again and again?
