2 Dogs Become Best Friends Despite Their Difference In Size


An embrace is the most universal sign of affection. When we hug somebody we’re essentially transferring affections, feelings, sensations, which can only be communicated through the body. But not only humans use this way of expressing affection, animals do too.

The hug is a means of consolation. That way, they both know they’re not alone and their companion is looking out for them.


CC and Chewbacca lived with their family until a baby was born and that’s when the tragedy began for these two. The little baby was allergic to dog fur. So, they took a drastic decision: the dogs had to be left in a shelter.

Since they arrived, CC and Chewbacca haven’t left each other’s side. They do everything together. The carers need to walk them together, because otherwise they don’t leave.


The carers won’t even consider the possibility of them being adopted separately.


So, CC and Chewbacca were adopted as an all-inclusive package.


CC and Chewbacca were abandoned in a shelter by their owners. Since then, all they’ve known is embracing each other.


Happily, they now have a new home and are together to keep giving each other plenty of affection.
