42-Year-Old Mother Fainted When She Saw Her Newborn Daughter. When She Revived, She Made This Shocking Decision…


Elena and Yuriy Spengler, a married couple from Krasnodar, Russia, already had two biological children and an adopted son, so they weren‘t planning to have another baby.

However, when Elena was 42 years old, she found out she was pregnant again. Although the financial situation wasn‘t very good and Elena‘s health state wasn‘t perfect, the Spenglers decided to keep the baby. The woman had three ultrasounds, and the results were perfect. The pregnancy itself was very easy for Elena – she never felt sick or depressed.

But then, the things changed. When she was only 30 weeks pregnant, Elena suddenly went into labor. She gave birth naturally, but she noticed the doctors‘ behavior was suspicious. For some reason, they didn‘t show her the baby right away. Then a nurse asked her: “Are you ready to see THIS?”. When she showed the baby girl to Elena, the woman fainted.

It turned out her daughter had a rare genetic disorder — Nager acrofacial dysostosis. She didn‘t have lips nor a chin. Instead of a mouth, there was a big cleft on her face. When Elena regained consciousness, the doctors warned her the girl will never be able to eat solid food and her hands will never work. They even encouraged her to give up this ‘burden’, however, Elena and Yuriy refused.


This problem only strengthened the Spengler family. Unfortunately, many people made disgusting comments about Darina‘s (that is how the baby was named) appearance, and no kindergarten accepted the ‘scary’ child.


The family was forced to move to Moscow where with the help of volunteers and charity organizations, Darina underwent several surgeries. She will continue getting surgeries every two years which hopefully will improve her face.


In general, Darina is an active and smart child. She liked singing and solve mazes for kids. She also likes looking in the mirror and having her pictures taken.


Although the girl will have to spend much time on the operating table, her condition will be gradually improving.


We hope little Darina will have a bright future and overcomes all obstacles with the help of her amazing family!
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