5 Unbelievable Things You Didn’t Know About Tom Selleck!


We best know Tom Selleck for his roles in “Magnum P.I.” and “Blue Bloods” and his life-long mustache. He’s a great actor and iconic family man, who embodies our best values. However, there are a couple of facts in his life that few people know.

Some of them are totally unbelievable, but yet they are true!


1. Army: Selleck served in US Army in 1967–1973. He’s a sergeant.


2. Mustache: he’d reportedly shaven it off only several times in his life until the contract for “Blue Bloods” banned him from doing it.


3. Farmer: Tom owns an avocado farm and enjoys working there!


4. Police: according to CBS, some New York policemen salute him!

55. Selleck could’ve been Indiana Jones, if it weren’t for the participation in “Magnum, P.I.”

Impressed? How about this short video, in which Tom speaks about the key values in his life? It proves that he’s not only a great actor, but also a very good person:
