5 Ways The Appearance Of Our Nails Might Warn Us Of Health Conditions


Our body works in amazing and sometimes mysterious ways. It is capable of displaying a series of indicators that are there to tell us something isn’t working, or that there is a serious problem. The symptoms and signs shown by our body definitely help to form a diagnosis, and one of the most important parts that we often ignore are our nails.

Their color, texture, and size can tell us a lot about our body. Of course, only a qualified health professional can understand how to precisely interpret these signs. Here we let you know about 5 ways, in which our nails tell us that we are experiencing some kind of health problem:
1. Discolored nails.


Discolored nails could be a sign of several health problems, such as infection, nutritional deficiency, or even a problem with your vital organs. It’s normal to have yellowish fingernails if you use nail polish for an extended period of time, but it could also be a sign of a fungal infection and, in some cases, psoriasis. If your nails take on a brown hue, it could be a sign of a thyroid problem or malnutrition. If they’re very white, it could indicate an iron deficiency. And if they take on a grayish blue color, it could indicate a lack of oxygen.

2. Brittle nails.

In most cases, overly dry or brittle nails can indicate a fungal infection or thyroid condition. However, brittle nails may also be the result of ageing or the excessive use of chemicals, either in the form of nail polish or washing detergent.

3. Overly thick nails.


This condition can also be caused by a fungal infection. Other possible causes include reactive arthritis, lung diseases, eczema, psoriasis, and diabetes, since these diseases irritate the dead skin cells that surround the area of the nails of the feet and hands.

4. Curved nails.


This could be an indicator of a condition, known as koilonychia, a disease, which can be a sign of hypochromic anemia. They could also be a sign that you have iron overload, a condition, which affects the liver. It is also a symptom associated with hypothyroidism or heart diseases.

5. Nails with dimples.


You need not panic if you see a few dimples on your nails, which could be a genetic trait. However, in some cases, it’s one of the symptoms of reactive arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, and alopecia areata.

These are some of the possible health problems that can affect the appearance of your nails. But the important thing is for you to take note of symptoms or any changes in your nails’ appearance and consult a trusted doctor, since only a medical health professional can give you the proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

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