7 Tips That May Help Lose Weight After The Age Of 50


If you had previously ignored health advice and allowed yourself to eat unhealthy food, you will know that eventually the time comes when your metabolism isn’t what it used to be. Now is the time to really tighten your belt and focus on maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle. When you turn 50, hormonal changes and sedentary habits can make losing weight a real challenge.
No matter what focus you choose, a good diet and active lifestyle will always help. These are the main points you should focus on if you want to lose weight after the age of 50:

1. Seasoning food

In many studies, pepper has been found to help increase metabolism and reduce cravings. A 2011 study revealed that people who added cayenne pepper to their dishes tended to eat less, as well as having less desire to eat fatty, salty, or sweet foods. If you like spicy food, this could help you keep a healthy weight. However, spicy food is a bad choice for people with certain gastric problems.
2. Being a kid again

Have you ever noticed that kids take forever to eat. That’s a good thing. A 2015 study found that when people take 30 seconds between bites, they stop eating when they’re satisfied, thus saving calories and extra pounds. We tend to eat more than we need to as we get older due to emotions and stress. To fight this, we suggest going back to childhood habits by taking smaller bites and chewing for longer. A smaller plate will make portions seem larger. The idea of eating more slowly can help us to lose weight.

3. Keep exercising

Many stop exercising in their 50s for many reasons. These often include some kind of joint pain, but this isn’t the decade to stop moving. First, figure out what you can do. Swimming, walking, using the elliptical machine, and riding a bike are low-impact activities. You’ll also want to focus on the development of muscle mass to help preserve your metabolism. Finding a good trainer is the first step to determining which resistance activities work best for you.

4. Planning ahead

Now, more than ever, you need to focus on meal planning, so you don’t rely on eating out all the time. You don’t feel like cooking, since the kids have grown up and moved out. Plan ahead by cutting the fresh vegetables on the weekend, making soups to freeze, and consider healthy options that can be prepared quickly.

5. Focusing on “just a few mouthfuls”

One way of enjoying some of the foods you love without incurring the negative consequences is by allowing yourself a few mouthfuls. This technique has helped many while on vacation or when cravings hit. It could be a good technique for some, but not for others.

6. Quality over quantity

Counting calories isn’t always effective because it forces you to obsess about the amount instead of the quality. Research supports the idea that when a high-quality food diet is compared to a regular diet with a lot of processed foods, the higher quality food diet helps to lose more weight. Stop counting every calorie. It’s a good method, but it shouldn’t become an obsession.

7. Turn off the TV

Studies have shown that if you eat while watching TV, you consume between 13 and 25% more calories than if the TV is turned off. Plus, a recent survey found that most people stop eating when their plate is empty or the TV show they’re watching has ended. It could be extremely beneficial to turn off the TV and listen to your body instead. In addition, it’s likely that eating while watching TV is linked to greater consumption of unhealthy food.


Remember that successfully losing weight, at any age, has to do with many different factors. After 50, those factors increase. Don’t throw in the towel. It’s never too late to change your lifestyle habits and reach the weight that makes you happy and healthy.
