8 Home Decorating Mistakes To Avoid, According To Feng Shui


How would you react if we told you that the way you arrange your furniture at home has a negative effect on your luck? That’s right, we’re talking about Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese philosophy which aims to create harmony throughout the place we live.

The philosophy dictates that your home is a reflection of your life. Therefore, the way you arrange your personal space influences the way that energy flows. This is why many people arrange their furniture a certain way to promote positive energy.
Pay attention to these common Feng Shui mistakes and rearrange your house to let the positive energy flow!

1. The bed on the same side as the door


Some experts assure that putting a bed near the door (where energy enters and leaves) will prevent energy from circulating enough in the room. Plus, it’s important for you to be able to directly see the door in case of an accident.

2. Mirrors facing each other

Two mirrors facing each other on opposite walls creates an energy “vortex” which bounces from one place to another. This immediately stops any positive vibes, since the energy remains trapped there.
3. Leaving the toilet seat up


Close it! By leaving the toilet seat up, you are allowing the positive energy to escape. It’s literally a positive energy drain!

4. Dead plants in your home or yard


This will cause the good or “living” energy which enters through the door, to die or transform into negative energy. Make sure to water your plants regularly so that they don’t die. This way, you’ll be attracting life and positive energy into your home!

5. Disorder

Ridding your home of things you no longer need attracts positive energy. Disorder acts like an energy block in space. We suggest you perform a home “cleanse” to get rid of everything you no longer use. You can donate it, sell it or give it away to somebody who needs it more.

6. Having different types of flooring in the same place


From the perspective of Feng Shui, the type of floor you use is a metaphor for the strength of your home. Choose a single floor design throughout your house. This will bring strength and make the energy flow consistently. If not, the energy flow will be weaker in each room.

7. Rush to decorate

We tend to want to decorate every space in our home as soon as we move in. However, it’s much better to wait for those decorations to occur naturally over time, as if they’re waiting to be discovered. This way, every object will have special value which attracts good energy.

8. TV in the bedroom is a resounding NO

First of all, it interferes with you and your partner’s relationship, since it distracts your attention. Secondly, it emits waves which weaken the immune system.
