8 things that new parents have no idea that they need


There is no manual for being a parent. You are quite literally thrown into the fire, and you realistically just have to «fake it until you make it.» No two situations are the same, just as no two kids are the same, and often times you will find yourself searching for anything that could just help make the whole process a little easier, trust me, I know.

Thankfully, through innovation, creativity and technology, a number of products have been developed that can help to make parenting just a little bit easier. As parents, anything that can make the job go a bit more smoothly, we’ll try it.

Let’s look at 8 must-have items that should be on every new parents list.

Changing diapers can be a «dangerous» proposition, you never know what you’re going to find in there, or what can suddenly happen while in the process. This portable changing station helps to keep things a lot cleaner and far more sanitary. It’s well worth every penny.


2. FREDI Wireless Camera Baby Monitor
When you become a parent, you get to experience a whole level of paranoia that you never knew existed. This camera connects to your iPhone and allows you to check in on your child from wherever you are.


3. Sippy Sure, The Medicine Dispensing Sippy Cup
Medicine doesn’t always taste good, especially when it comes to some flavors of children’s meds. It can be quite difficult to get kids to take their medicine when they know it’s coming. This sippy cup lets you hide what’s really going on while you child enjoys some juice.


4. Eufy Humos Air 1.1, Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier
When it gets dry in your home, you will likely start to hear your child coughing on the regular. Using this cool mist humidifier will help relieve the stress on your child’s breathing, and it will make the room feel more comfortable.


5. Peepee Teepees
Anyone who has ever had a little boy knows that when changing diapers, you need to always be weary of unexpected «rain showers.» These little tents help prevent getting blasted when you least expect it.


6. Blooming Bath Lotus
Babies can get exceptionally dirty considering they don’t do much moving around. Bathing them in the sink can be hard, especially if you are worrying about them slipping around while everything is soapy. This makes the whole process very simple. Put it in the sink and then let your baby bathe in comfort.


7. Ultra Violet Sanitizing Wand
If you’re worried about the legions of germs and bacteria out there in the world, this is your weapon of choice. This UV wand kills 99% of germs when it is used according to manufacturer instructions. Turn it on and hold the light over surfaces where germs are sure to be hiding, and relax as the light does the work.


8. Pacifier Thermometer
Checking a baby’s temperature can be a stressful exercise. It’s nearly impossible to get them to hold the thermometer under their arm, and no one enjoys taking their temperature the other way. This pacifier takes their temperature while it also helps to soothe them.


Have you ever used any of these items? Let us know how it went in the comments.
