Dad Picks Up Daughter From School And Finds Out She’s Been Bullied. What He Does Next Is The Last Thing I Expected


It’s not always easy to ignore rude comments or cruel remarks. So, when Nia’s dad found out about her being teased at school, he decided that it was time to teach his young daughter about self-love. He did this in a remarkable way and amazed a lot of people doing it.

Khari Touré made a beautiful anti-bullying song, called ‘Love Yourself’. It was not created merely as a message to his own children, but as something all children should know at all times.

The lyrics of the song tell them that they are unique and perfect, and a big, important part of this world. The chorus says:

I’m beautiful, I’m worthy and those mean words can’t hurt me!

Isn’t this something everybody should say to themselves every now and then? And this awesome dad shared it with all of us! In the song, Touré also explains that reading books helps us improve, not our looks. The rest of the lyrics is equally inspiring:

I’m priceless, I’m smart and I love myself.

The children involved in making this lovely video obviously had a great time! They spent the day playing, drawing and learning together, and shared a wonderful experience.

With its catchy beat and touching words, Touré’s song is certainly fit to play to your children to help them understand that they should always, as the song says,

Get rid of any thoughts that say you’re not enough.

Watch the video for ‘Love Yourself’ song and remember: you are beautiful!
