Dog Found Alone In Kitchen Looks Unrecognizable After 4 Trash Bags Full Of Fur Is Shaved Off


When an old man in Russia passed away, his dog was given to the last people on earth who should have ever owned a pet.

Over the course of the next year, this Bobtail dog was neglected by his new owners and supplied with just enough food and water to keep him breathing. His thick coat, which desperately needed regular grooming, became so heavily matted that he could barely walk.

After 12 nightmarish months, rescuers heard about the poor dog, rescued him to safety, and named him Cocos.

Bobtails are a breed of Old English Sheepdogs that grow a particularly thick coat. It took six workers several hours to shave Cocos and groom him properly, only to reveal abscesses and sores underneath. The workers filled several liter-bags with his matted hair!

Finally, the beautiful pup buried underneath all that fur was freed.

Miraculously, Cocos found a loving forever home with a woman named Elena, who helped him make a full recovery. She was reportedly very familiar with Bobtails and provides him with everything he requires — plenty of exercise, lots of attention, and of course, regular grooming sessions.

Just wait until you see what Cocos looks like today…

After an old man passed away, his Bobtail dog was given to a new family who neglected him for 12 months. His fur grew so matted he could barely walk or breath.
Bobtails are an Old English Sheepdog known for their particularly thick coat of fur. Not only do they require lots of exercise and attention, but also regular grooming. This poor dog, as you can see, had none of that. He was suffering.

Pic shows: This dog that was left neglected and alone in an apartment for more than a year ended up with a coat under which it was almost impossible to see it. This mass of fur may not look much like but in fact underneath is a dog left neglected and alone in an apartment for more than a year. Without the caring owner to trim its fur, the dog who stayed on in the apartment after his elderly owner died in the Russian city of Novosibirsk gradually ended up with a coat under which it was almost impossible to see the seven year old bobtail. This is what he looked like when he was collected by staff from an animal rescue clinic after he had been kept on by his former owners relatives to guard the property while the question of the inheritance was sorted out. Only when the family of 79-year-old Gore Zhdanov had finally decided who was going to get what, did they allow animal rescuers to take charge of the pet. Although they had given the dog food and it had access to the balcony to avoid it making a mess in the flat, the poor dog had not been walked or cared for in any other way. Dog rescuer Vitaly Kornilova said: "He could barely walk, and was in a pitiful state. Relatives called us to take him away because they decided they wanted to sell the flat now that the inheritance paperwork been completed." "They said they had kept the dog to guard the flat against vandals but now wanted to get rid of it." She said the relatives did not know what name the dog had been given by its previous owner, but they had decided to call it Cocos. His fur was one big woolen, entangled mess when he was brought in, particles of excrements and matted urine were stuck in the fur, which weighed the dog down to a point that it could barely walk and breathe. Viatly said: "Six people spent three hours trimming Cocos fur, filling four 100 liter bags with dog hair. After that, Cocos' teeth were thoroughly cleaned." Cocos now lives with Elena Rivvo, a local expert in bobtails. She told local media she was feeding the dog vitamins and is still treating several purulent fistulas, open soars caused by the mistreatment, but added: "Other than that he is doing well and is expected to make a full recovery." (ends)

Rescuers named the dog Cocos. He was in such poor shape that he was barely recognizable as a living, breathing creature. Buried deep within his fur was a soul who needed love — and fast!
Under This Hairy Monster Is A Once Loved Pet Dog

Back at the medical center, six staff members worked tirelessly for three hours to shave down the matted Cocos. Underneath, they found sores and infections from the extended period of neglect. But he was going to be okay.
Under This Hairy Monster Is A Once Loved Pet Dog
He’s under there, somewhere…
Under This Hairy Monster Is A Once Loved Pet Dog
And look at this transformation! Hours later, Cocos face was finally unveiled, and he could move again. Now, all he needed was a new home that would truly love him.
Under This Hairy Monster Is A Once Loved Pet Dog

Enter a woman named Elena, who adopted Cocos and gave him that forever home. She was reportedly very familiar with Bobtails and was able to provide him with exercise, attention, and regular grooming sessions. Also, comfy shorts!
Underneath those layers of neglect was a gorgeous mane of fluffy grey and white fur. Cocos made a full recovery. Thank God he never gave up on humanity!
Under This Hairy Monster Is A Once Loved Pet Dog
Now, finally, that’s a happy pup.
Under This Hairy Monster Is A Once Loved Pet Dog
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