45 years ago, an architect named Ricardo Bofill came across a dilapidated cement factory. While most people might see a dead building, Bofill saw possibilities.
He immediately began to make renovations in hopes of turning the abandoned space into his home.
Described as La fábrica, Bofill has, the past couple of decades, turned this old factory into a majestic and spectacular home.
A lot of repairs had to be completed before Bofill and his team could buy the space years ago.
After some partial deconstruction, he decorated the exterior with vegetation and furnished the insides in beautiful, modern designs.
Despite all the hard work being put in, La fábrica is still a work in progress till date. Bofill makes adjustments as his plans for his future change.
This WW1-Era Cement factory was located in Barcelona.
The sculpture has been beautifully transformed into a gorgeous home and it truly is mindblowing.
According to Bofill, “The Cement Factory is a place of work par excellence.”
Each of the rooms in the home is designed and built to suit its own specific purpose. No two rooms in the home look alike.
Bofill always dreamed of having a private home that protects him from outside and everyday life and this was what he created.
The property is also known to possess a variety of relaxation spot. Bofill and his team use part of the residence as their work studio so the house was designed with this in mind.
The outside of the home is covered with the use of grass.
A beautiful kitchen/dining room serves as the perfect meeting point for the family.
Bofill likens the progress of his house to himself. Its constant evolution reflects each particular point he was in his life.
The creativity simply shines through as this gorgeous home gives a mysterious, yet inviting feel.
The fact that the house isn’t truly completed remains part of its charm.
It just goes to show, with a lot of creativity and determination, anything is possible.