Her Daughter Was Born With One Hand And She Didn’t Want Her To Be Alone. So She Did This…


Friendship and support can be expressed in many different ways. And it’s not even necessary for people to live in the same city or even country.

Her daughter Sarah was born with only one hand because of a genetic disorder. Sarah was a happy girl, but lonely in her struggle. So her mom decided to contact another girl from New Zealand who had the same disability. Since then Sarah and Emma became inseparable. Every day they speak on Skype, and even having other friends around they consider each other the best friends. No one can understand better the problem they both have. Here is a video of a precious moment when Sarah travels to meet her best friend in person for the first time. And they will never be alone in this world, they have each other!

Liked Video this touching story with your friends to remind them that love is stronger than any distance.
