How Many Horses Can You See In This Picture? Only 2% Of People Can Spot Them All!


he latest brainteaser that’s going viral is oddly reminiscent of the games we liked to play as children. Remember staring at the clouds and imagining they looked like weird animals? Another memory: then I was little I used to look for ‘dinosaur footprints’ everywhere, and you won’t believe how many of those I would find on a normal day.

This little puzzle is supposed to test your attention (and imagination, maybe?) in much the same way. Take a look at the painting and try to count the horses you see in it. Some of them are very visible, others are, of course, well hidden. How many can you spot?

Apparently there are 6 horses in this picture, although some people claim they can find as many as 8. Let this be a challenge for you.

If you want to see all the horses, scroll down the page.

This picture, by the way, is the CD cover for the album “Horses & High Heels” by Marianne Faithfull. A clever way to make people talk about you, Marianne!

Keep scrolling.

Here is the answer:

So, how many of these did you see? Maybe you also found some extra horses? Let us know if there are really more of them than shown here!
