If You Can Spot Your Name in This Image, Then You’re Unbelievably Intelligent


Long working hours tire all of us out. We all need to take a break sometimes, and even a simple puzzle can help us relax and train our brains to work more effectively.

That’s why we at Liked Video would like to offer you the chance to try out this quick and fun brainteaser. The aim here is to locate your name somewhere in the alphabet soup. Don’t be discouraged if you initially can’t find it — just concentrate a little harder and try again.20

Eps 10 Vector Illustration of a Dotted Down Arrow in Perspective


If you really couldn’t work it out, click on the image to see what you should have found.

Work puts the frontal lobe of our brains under a lot of stress, which leads us to feel both mentally and physically exhausted. Simple games like the one above help us to break off our focus on our heavy workload, feel more relaxed, and get better sleep. They also help us to maintain our mental health and leave us better prepared for the mental loads of the following day.

Here’s another image that will test your mental abilities. Although it’s aimed at a younger audience, it can still be effective in diverting your attention away from serious matters and helping to exercise your brain at the same time. All you have to do is find six words that are hidden somewhere in the image.23
