If You Think These Haircuts Are Bad, Wait Until You See The Rest Of Them [13 photos]


One thing the internet is really good at is helping us with our self confidence. Whenever you see those articles on “the humans of superstore”, or somebody’s massive stump removal fail, you immediately feel better about yourself.

That’s why when we found these pictures of really awful hair styles, we knew we hit the jackpot of self vindication. Even though we have all had bad hair days, few of us ever wind up looking this stupid.

From a man with his head shaved and coloured to look like a pineapple to a woman with a fringe like Harry from Dumb and Dumber, they could be forgiven for sacking if not suing their hair stylist. Our personal favorite is the guy who shaved his head to look like a rat, and then grew a rat tail. It must be some sort of protest against something, because it surely could not be a simple aesthetic choice, right?

As it turns out, some of these absurd hair styles and treatments could also be putting people’s health at risk. Many hair care products contain very dangerous chemicals, especially dyes.

We decided to take a closer look, and here’s what we found. According to cancer.gov, “Many people in the United States and Europe use hair dyes. It is estimated that more than one-third of women over age 18 and about 10 percent of men over age 40 use some type of hair dye.
Modern hair dyes are classified as permanent (or oxidative), semipermanent, and temporary. Permanent hair dyes, which make up about 80 percent of currently marketed products, consist of colorless dye “intermediates” (chemicals called aromatic amines) and dye “couplers.” In the presence of hydrogen peroxide, the intermediates and couplers react with one another to form pigment molecules. Darker colors are formed by using higher concentrations of intermediates. Semipermanent and temporary hair dyes are nonoxidative and include colored compounds that stain hair directly.”

The site continues, “Over 5,000 different chemicals are used in hair dye products, some of which are reported to be carcinogenic (cancer-causing) in animals. Because so many people use hair dyes, scientists have tried to determine whether exposure to the chemicals in hair coloring products is associated with an increased risk of cancer in people.

“Early hair dye formulations contained chemicals, including aromatic amines that were found to cause cancer in animals. In the mid- to late 1970s, however, manufacturers changed the components in dye products to eliminate some of these chemicals. It is not known whether some of the chemicals still used in hair dyes can cause cancer. Given the widespread use of hair dye products, even a small increase in risk may have a considerable public health impact.”

So, if you want to be sure that your hair stays looking its best and do not want to risk your long term health, try this simple and inexpensive homemade shampoo recipe. You will need 2/3 cup of Castile soap, two teaspoons of almond or olive oil, 10- 15 drops of some essential oil, and 1/2 cup of coconut milk.

Its preparation is extremely easy. All you need to do is to mix all the ingredients in a bottle, and your natural, toxin- free shampoo is ready! Remember to shake the bottle before you use the shampoo. Use it regularly and your hair will be incredibly healthy, shiny and gorgeous!

Do you have any hair tips that work? Please share them with us here.

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