Man Hides 15 Pounds Of Poop In Box As Revenge On Teens Who Keep Stealing Packages Off His Porch


With the holiday season upon us, mail carriers will be leaving many packages at your and your neighbors’ doorsteps. You trust that no one will take them, as they’re left out in the open, but this is the time when package-stealing thieves strike. They know that some pretty pricey items could be inside those boxes.

But one man is fighting fire with fire.

Homeowner Tim Upton became the victim of such package theft. His security cameras caught footage of a group of teens, who were also shown bashing in his mailbox.

It was unfortunate that something like this would happen, but then, the group of teens came back three days later to steal another package — this time from a neighbor’s front porch.

Enough was enough. Tim and his neighbors decided to take action and beat the teens at their own game. They set up a decoy package, filled with 15 pounds of dog poop.

The homeowners didn’t expect their revenge to take effect so quickly. In no time, however, one of the teens tried swiping it from the front of the home, but his first attempt wasn’t successful. It was too heavy! He quickly turned around and picked it up off the ground, perhaps thinking that something very valuable was inside.

Tim says that he and his neighbors are asking for anyone with information to come forward, or for the teens to turn themselves in. But what they’re really curious about is the look on the thief’s face when he saw what was inside that heavy package!

Please Liked Video if you hope the alleged robbers learned their lesson about stealing other people’s property!
