Military Mom Put Sticker On Van, Only To Find A Stranger’s Note About Her Sons On Windshield


Jodi St. Clair knows firsthand how stressful and emotional it is to be a military parent. Her older son, 22-year-old Jacob, is serving in Korea. Her younger son, 20-year-old Daniel, is in North Carolina.

Jodi and her husband placed two bumper stickers on the back of their van. One reads “My sons defend our freedom,” and the other says, “Proud parent of a soldier.” It’s the kind of thing that invites outsiders to comment in both positive and negative ways, but Jodi could not be prouder of her boys.

One day, Jodi left her shift at the hair salon where she works and noticed a couple of things stuck on the windshield. At first, she thought she was looking at a business flyer and a $20 bill, and assumed it was an impressive way to advertise.

But when Jodi plucked the paper from the windshield, she realized a random stranger had left a handwritten note for her to find — and the anonymous author had something she wanted to say about those bumper stickers on her van.

Moments later, Jodi was brought to tears. Now, she’s on a mission to track down the woman who left her the unexpected surprise.

Watch the video below to see what the stranger had to say, and please Liked Video this amazing act of kindness with your friends on Facebook!
