Mom Suffers From Constant Headaches. Months Later, Doctors Look At CT Scan To Find Tapeworm Eggs


Here’s a bizarre medical condition that’s not for the faint of heart.

For nine months, a thirty-something mom named Yadira Rostro complained of painful headaches that kept persisting, along with vision impairment. However, Yadira had no idea what was causing her uncomfortable and often crippling symptoms.

At first, doctors ordered CT scans and assumed the pain was due to a brain tumor. But nothing prepared Yadira for her shocking diagnosis.

After nearly one year of living in agony, doctors finally realized the Texas mother had sacs of larvae living in her brain — eight tapeworm eggs, to be exact. Even crazier? They believed these nasty parasites “took up residence” in her brain for two years!

As the eggs developed, fluid slowly built up, hence the severe headaches. Dr. Richard Meyrat, a neurosurgeon, said small tapeworms grew inside of the tiny eggs.

Oh my goodness… My stomach is churning just thinking about it!

Watch the video below to learn how Yadira could have picked up this horrifying condition, and also what happened once she underwent surgery.

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