Owner tells dog they’re going to Starbucks. Dog’s wild reaction has everyone in stitches


There’s a recent video showing an overly excited pooch’s reaction after being told he was going to Starbucks. It’s no secret that Skottke the German Shepard has a true love for Starbucks pup cups, she goes nuts every time it is mentioned! Too adorable!

“Who wants to go get a pup cup? Do want to go to Starbucks little buddy?” Before the owner finishes their sentence, Skottke already knows where the conversation is headed. Jumping up and running throughout the house, unable to contain his excitement! He’s such a cutie pie!

This dog is so enthusiastic about Starbucks sweet treats, considering how excited he gets. Moments later, the person’s other canine companion hears the good news and perks right up. Video footage shows the two of them happily jumping for joy in anticipation of their owner taking them.

Watch as these dogs run around excitedly like two little kids being told that they were about to go to Disneyland. The two canines going to Starbucks act just like children going to this famous theme park. Can this video possibly get any more amazing?!
