We at Liked Video have brought you several riddles to train your brain and check your ability to cope with stress. Maybe you’ll never have to answer them in real…
Undoubtedly, many of you will find this situation familiar: the person you see when you’re facing the mirror looks nothing like the person you see when…
All of these places were once filled with people living their lives and minding their own business. Abandoned for different reasons, now they look more like…
Creating a great portrait photo is one of the most difficult and challenging tasks for a photographer. In order to take a really eye-catching and natural photo, a photographer has to take a deep look…
Every year million artists participate in Inktober drawing challenge where they draw something everyday for each day of October. Artist Shawn Coss decided to draw…
While the corporate media continues to focus on Trump’s on-going feuds with the Obamas and Clintons, they are ignoring the catastrophic crisis in Yemen. Of…
Capitalism in different countries, explained with cows. Who knew cows could be so informative? “If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh,…
Our body is an incredibly complex machine that reacts not only to external changes but to internal ones too. Dr. Susan Babel, a psychologist who specializes in depression, suggested quite an interesting…
The world is full of good people constantly looking for ways to apply their creativity in order to help others. Here’s just one more example that we at Liked Video have discovered. Metallic…