Parents Decided To Separate Their Conjoined Twins. After The Operation Was Over They Couldn’t Say A Word


The conjoined twins are a rare phenomenon. Doctors still cannot give a simple explanation why it happens. Sometimes the operation isn’t possible, and conjoined twins stay together forever. In some cases, the operation is less dangerous, and twins can enjoy the full life separately.

Misty and Curtis Oglesby had conjoined twins, and they decided to separate their babies. Doctors informed them their case was very serious and there was a high chance to lose both toddlers. Babies had two hearts, but only one liver. That’s why their chances of survival were no more than 20 percent.

Doctors planned operation about three months. And when all preparations were completed they were ready to separate twins.

After six hours, doctors came to the parents and informed the news that made their hearts beat faster. Their Babies were successfully separated, and it was the best day in their lives.

For Misty and Curtis, it was a miracle, and today they are happy to see their babies who can finally enjoy their lives without being bound to each other.

Watch the video to see these cute angles and know more about the twins’ story.
