Smart Phones, Dumb People. 8 Cheaters Caught Red-Handed


With the invention of the cell phone came more ways to catch your significant other cheating. While some cheaters can make there way out of a sticky situation, others get caught red handed with sufficient proof when they send the right text message to the wrong person. These outright cheaters:

Don’t have autocorrect to blame
And accidentally outed themselves

Have you ever sent a text message to the wrong person that totally left you speechless? Have you ever received one of these messages and found out way too much information that you never asked for?
The people who sent these text messages definitely didn’t double check their recipients.
After this guy finds out that his dad is cheating on his mom with the yoga teacher, he uses what he knows to get himself a little gift.


Not only did this girl mistake James for Jarred, she also thought it would be a brilliant idea to screenshot the conversation that broke up her relationship and let it linger around the world wide web for all to see.


It looks like a lot of parents are running into the same mistake of texting their children when they really want to text the person they are cheating with. And it also looks like the kids are totally fine with it, as long as they can get another iPhone for keeping things on the down low.


Well, at least he broke up with his side-chick.


So she slept with her husband’s brother, Peter, and now her husband, Mark, knows all about it. It looks like Mark is going to be a Uncle. It can’t get any more awkward than this.


This couple is paying for couple’s therapy and it doesn’t seem to be working. What happened after she looked up? Do you think they’re still attending therapy?


This makes you doubt every person who ever cancelled plans with you over text. But, to give him the benefit of the doubt, ‘Jenny’ could be a family member.

If the text doesn’t reveal all, definitely don’t count on Snapchat to have your back.

