Student Experiment Sheds Light On The Potential Dangers Of Wi-Fi


In this day and age, everyone is connected. Cellphones and computers make it so easy for us to stay in touch with those who live far away. But at what cost? How is it affecting our health?

Five high school students conducted an experiment for their biology class to ask this same question, and their results are being admired by researchers in England, Holland, and Sweden. The girls noticed they were struggling to pay attention at school and wondered what the cause could be.


“We all think we have experienced difficulty concentrating in school, if we had slept with the phone next to our head, and sometimes also experienced having difficulty sleeping,» explains Lea Nielsen, one of the students in the experiment.

The girls decided to conduct an experiment to see if Wi-Fi could be the cause of their troubles. They took 400 cress seeds and separated them between 12 different containers. All the containers were kept in the same room, at the same temperature, with the same amount of water. Six of the routers were placed next to a Wi-Fi router, which emit the same type of radiation as a regular cellphone.

After 12 days, the results were staggering.

The cress seeds that were kept as far away as possible from the Wi-Fi router grew healthily and became green.


The seeds next to the router? That’s a different story.


These seeds were mostly dead or mutated. They did not grow at all.

“It is truly frightening that there is so much affect, so we were very shocked by the result”, says Lea.

Their experiment concludes that Wi-Fi radiation can expose your body to elements that will greatly affect your health.

“None of us sleep with the mobile next to the bed anymore. Either the phone is put far away, or it is put in another room. And the computer is always off,» says Lea.

Olle Johansson, a renowned professor at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, says he and his team are going to repeat the experiment with his colleagues to study the conclusions even further. He says the girls’ experiment was brilliant.


“The girls stayed within the scope of their knowledge, skilfully implemented and developed a very elegant experiment. The wealth of detail and accuracy is exemplary, choosing cress was very intelligent, and I could go on,» he says. “I sincerely hope that they spend their future professional life in researching, because I definitely think they have a natural aptitude for it. Personally, I would love to see these people in my team!”

Do you sleep with your phone next to the bed?
