Take This Test And Find Out Which Hemisphere Of Your Brain Is Dominant


he human brain consists of two hemispheres. To find out which hemisphere of your brain dominates, you can take the following visual test.

Look at the picture. What was the first thing you saw?


If you saw a man’s face, the left hemisphere of your brain is dominant!

You collect all the facts before drawing any conclusion. This is a very flexible and free way of thinking because having all the facts allows you to look at a situation from various angles. You are very creative and have the ability to deal with situations that change instantaneously. You are able to draw conclusions from a dizzying array of thoughts!

If you saw a woman, the right hemisphere of your brain is dominant!

You entirely depend on your intuition. You can store a lot of information in the form of images or symbols. You perfectly navigate in space and can easily solve puzzles.

У вас есть музыкальные способности. Любите мечтать и фантазировать. Также у вас может наблюдаться склонность к мистике и суевериям. You have musical abilities. You love to dream and fantasize. You may have a tendency to mysticism and superstition.

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