You’ll Only Pass This Quiz If You Have A High School Degree


Let’s find out.

  1. What part of the cell is commonly referred to as «the powerhouse of the cell»
    1. The nucleus
    2. The cytoplasm
    3. Golgi apparatus
    4. The mitochondria
  2. Carl Benda is a scientist best known for doing what?


    1. Curing smallpox
    2. Discovering Pluto
    3. Inventing the practical transformer
    4. Naming the mitochondria, commonly referred to as “the powerhouse of the cell”
  3. Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, was renowned for his knowledge in the maths, classics, and law. Despite being so smart, what is something he didn’t know?


    1. That the Earth is round
    2. How to play the violin
    3. The implications of John Locke’s Second Treatise of Civil Government
    4. That the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
  4. One train leaves Chicago’s Union Station at 1 p.m. and another leaves New York’s Penn Station at 3 p.m. At what point do they discover that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell?


    1. They will never discover this
    2. Around 4 p.m.
    3. Tomorrow
    4. 1894, the same year Richard Altmann formally discovered mitochondria aka the powerhouse of the cell
  5. Julius Caesar set fire to the Library of Alexandria in 48 B.C., leading to the library’s eventual decay and destruction over the next few centuries. What does «Alexandria» rhyme with?


    1. Gattaca
    2. Stylographical
    3. Earl Stephens
    4. Mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell
  6. Gabriel García Márquez is an immensely influential author who primarily published his works in Spanish. What is a sentence that never appeared in any of his books?


    1. “Ojito que no somos broma”
    2. “A los demonios no hay que creerles ni cuando dicen la verdad”
    3. “El amor se hace más grande y noble en la calamidad”
    4. “Las mitocondrias son las centrales eléctricas de las células.”
  7. Bangkok is to Thailand as mitochondria are to what?


    1. New Mexico
    2. The prarie
    3. Scissors
    4. Powerhouse of the cell
  8. What shape is this?


    1. A triangle
    2. A trapazoid
    3. A RIGHT triangle
    4. Mitochondria shaped, which is to say it is shaped like the powerhouse of the cell
  9. Often a jail or prison might have a backup generator to keep power on in case of emergency. What are these generators called?


    1. Weapons
    2. Uncle Joe’s ‘Tricity Makers
    3. Cryptonograms
    4. The powerhouses of the cells
  10. And finally: What is the meaning of life?


    1. Love
    2. Money
    3. Liberty
    4. Mitochondria, powerhouse of the cell