Young Man Strikes Pose Behind Unsuspecting Woman, Then Busts Into Full-Out Dance


When Kurt Tocci set out to participate in Ellen’s “dance dare” back in 2016, he clearly wasn’t holding anything back!

The whole idea of the challenge is to bust a move right behind someone without them noticing. It sounds impossible to accomplish — especially when you see how passionately Kurt showed off his stuff in the video below.

However, you’d be surprised by how oblivious people can really be about their surroundings. Barely anyone bats an eye while Kurt shimmies and shakes mere inches away from them.

He even climbs trees and street poles throughout the montage. You would think the elevation would only make him more noticeable but, more often than not, he remains unseen.

I’m not sure if Ellen has had the chance to see Kurt’s hilarious video herself yet, but I think he’s totally earned a shout-out from the funny lady on her show.

In the meantime, hit play and have a laugh watching him boogie behind unsuspecting people in public. Although he does get caught in the act every now and then, that just makes the video even funnier!

Do you know anyone who would be just as unaware as the folks in this video? Or maybe someone who could give Kurt a run for his money?

Be sure to Liked video his silly “dance dare” video with your friends on Facebook!
