10 Natural Spider Repellents That Will Help To Keep The Home Spider-Free!


Most species of spiders are harmless to humans. Some might even say that spiders are our friends because they kill lots of nasty insects. We can’t argue with that, but you sure don’t want them in your home occupying every corner they can find, right?

Fortunately, there are some natural repellents to keep these unwanted guests away from your home!

Peppermint essential oil + dishwashing liquid.

Mix three cups water, 1 tbsp. dishwashing liquid, and 1 tbsp. peppermint essential oil and pour into a spray bottle. Shake it well, and your repellent is ready! Remember, this mixture is intended to repel spiders, not kill them.

Sprinkle it outside your house, and spiders will not be so eager to get inside anymore.

Minty cotton balls
Cotton balls soaked in mint essential oil not only smell great, they also prevent spiders from entering your home. Put them under your house and you can forget about spiders!


Put chestnuts or horse chestnuts around your house; they contain a substance that spiders don’t like.

Salt water

You can make this salty solution to kill spiders. Add one ounce of salt to one gallon of warm water, stir it well, pour the solution into a spray bottle, and spray this liquid right onto spiders and spider nests.

White vinegar
Add white vinegar to water and spray it on cracks; spiders aren’t going to like it.

Citrus peels

Spiders hate citrus. Rubbing citrus peels on spiders’ favorite places will help to keep them away. Lemon-scented furniture polish also works well to repel spiders.

Cedar hangers.
Cedar hangers will keep spiders out of your wardrobe.


Add tobacco to water and spray it like the mixtures mentioned above.

Coconut oil
Use a mixture with 1/3 coconut oil and 2/3 water and spray it in areas that spiders would use to get into your home.
