10 Ways to Detox Your Life


The need to detoxify your life is a direct result of an overworked, overscheduled and overwhelmed lifestyle that has (somehow) been accepted by most people as ‘normal’ and ‘fact-of-life’, which is far from the truth. We have less time, while taking on more responsibilities, and because of this, we also make less healthy choices for our body and mind.

‘The best way to detoxify is to stop putting toxic things into the body and depend upon its own mechanisms’ – Andrew Weil

If you’re not sure if your life needs a detox, these signs will tell you.



From oil pulling to castor oil packs, from healthy, virgin, cold-pressed mono-unsaturated cooking oils to essential oils for home remedies, oils have got a lot of health benefits that help detox your body.

One study found that sesame oil (a natural edible oil) and sesamol (an active antioxidant) are potently beneficial for treating lead- and iron-induced liver and kidney toxicity and have no ill effects on the body. Researchers found that sesame oil reduced inflammatory response in the body and also helped reduce lead and iron toxic metals. Sesame oil also helped reduce tumor necrosis factor’à and it might also be helpful with removing mercury from the body.


Then there is “stuff”…meaningless, excessive, pointless “stuff” that seems to just pile up on us. Where is your “stuff” currently? Whether it’s on your desk, in your closet, in the living room, on a table, or in your car, get rid of it.

Usually, clutter results from having an excessive amount of anything – books, papers, toys, shoes, clothes, food, antiques (Mom!) – that occupies space for no particular reason. But it occupies more than just space in your home; it takes up space in your brain.


As you read in our article about armpit detoxing, eating your greens is a great way to remove cancer causing toxic agents from your body. Cruciferous veggies like Broccoli, cabbage, and brussel sprouts are rich in indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which help your body clear out excess estrogens.

Excess chemicals that act like estrogen in the body come from our beauty products, BPA plastics, hormones given to animals that we eat and even some pesticides. These estrogen-like chemicals are called xenestrogens and they can lead to early hormonal changes in developing teenage girls and boys and can also contribute to the development of breast and other cancers.


Herbal teas with milk thistle or burdock (for liver) and dandelion or artichoke (for bile excretion) have been used for centuries to detox and cleanse the body.


From enemas to suppositories to laxatives and dietary cleanses, your colon and digestive system would appreciate a good detox. Senna herbal tea is a healthy and natural digestive cleanse that you can try that can help detox your body.

Related article: 3 Ways to Improve Your Digestive Health


Religious or spiritual needs are something that ought not to be neglected. Whether you meditate, read scripture, pray, attend church, enjoy the beauty of nature, or something else, doing the things that uplift your spirit is important to your balance and wellbeing.

Try to take at least 20-30 minutes a day tending to these needs. If this is not possible for whatever reason, spend 10-15 minutes to meditate, read scripture, or enjoy some solitude before hitting the pillow.


Stimulating the energy meridians of the body and enhancing circulation with a massage is a good way to improve the body’s natural detox system, the lymphatic system. Read more about how your lymphatic system helps detox your body in our recent article: 10 Ways to Clean Your Lymphatic System.


We strongly believe that overuse and overdependence on technology is toxic. If you don’t believe us, just think: How many people have you seen driving while on a cell phone? Have your kids pulled out a tablet or cell phone at the dinner table? Has a co-worker ignored you or someone else while replying to their 100th text message?

Technology certainly has its role. Advances in technology have resulted in medical advances, educational improvements, scientific discoveries and more. But it’s had a negative impact on our actual connection with each other. Families drift apart, parents bring their work home, kids tap away on Facebook instead of opening their textbook. There’s no real presence of mind with excessive technology use. Be mindful with how and when you use technology.


Movement helps to stimulate your circulatory system and blood flowing helps the other organs to process toxins. Toxins store in fat cells, so losing fat will release toxins. Be sure to stay hydrated by drinking some clean, filtered water whenever you are exercising, using a sauna or taking an Epsom salt bath since these can be dehydrating.


Soak in a natural mineral hot spring if you can or seek out a flotation therapy tank. If you can’t find these excellent natural cleansing baths near you, then the next best thing is a bathtub with piping hot water and some Epsom salts. Add some lavender essential oils for an aromatherapy cleanse as well.


Dr. Laura K. Thompson of Furman University says that bath salts ‘improve cleaning or the experience of bathing, provide medical improvement, or serve as a vehicle for cosmetic agents. Bath Salts have been developed that mimic properties of natural mineral baths or hot springs. The earliest writings concerning bath salts were published in China around 2700 years BCE.’ Dr. Thompson suggests making your own bath salt blend that combines Epsom salts, natural mineral salts, baking soda, a moisturizing oil and essential oils for fragrance.


One of the easiest ways to detox is by sweating. Any exercise that gets you sweating will help naturally detox your body through the skin. Sweating with sauna therapy is another way to increase circulation, sweat out toxins and improve lymphatic flow for cleaning. After a good sweat, make sure to clean your skin with a shower so that the toxins that you sweat out of your system are washed away.
