Children will believe anything, which is adorable. But as we grow up, we like to believe that we’ve got the world figured out. Nothing is a surprise anymore.
Until one day, you notice one thing that shatters the illusion. Only this time, instead of catching dad eating Santa’s cookies, it’s far more mundane and much more devastating.
1. You shouldn’t use the «Popcorn» button on your microwave for popcorn.
Then why is it called that?! Clearly, microwave manufacturers are just making up buttons in order to make their models look more convenient than others. Meanwhile, we’re all out here burning our popcorn.
2. When the proudly American company makes their products in Canada.
This raises questions about what makes an American company American. Probably just where the headquarters are located, regardless of manufacturing.
3. Those beautifully folded towels at Bed, Bath and Beyond are all lies.
Here we are, carefully folding our towels in an attempt to match the ideal modelled at the store, only to discover that they are cheating! How dare they?!
4. These cereal displays aren’t quite as egregious, but they’re still annoying.
I can’t tell if they were trying to make it look like a ton of cereal was available, or if they just ran out of shelves and were trying to hide their junky solution.
5. Pineapples do not grow on trees.
Maybe it’s the combination of the word «pine» and «apple» that make us naturally imagine them growing on a tree, but pineapples actually grow low to the ground.
6. The grass is always greener because some people paint it.
I hate seeing people trying to cover-up a problem rather than just dealing with the underlying issue. I can’t imagine that the paint is much help to the already sickly grass.
7. Pretty much all the grammar «rules» you were taught in school are wrong.
So feel free to split infinitives and end sentences with a preposition. Or even start a sentence with a conjunction.
8. When what you thought was hard wood turns out to be laminate.
Not everyone can tell at a glance, especially if it’s good quality laminate.
And dude, put a mat under your rolling chair.
9. Those fancy brick streets weren’t laid by hand.
Which makes sense because it would cost a fortune in labor. Now, this machine isn’t autonomous, either. When running, a worker needs to be on top to arrange the bricks, but it’s still way faster.
10. Or you can skip the cost of labor and individual bricks by faking it.
This is pretty genius. You just lay a flat path of concrete, then use what is basically a giant cookie cutter to press the shape of bricks before it dries.
11. Never trust the food in advertising photos.
If you’ve tried to take a good picture before, you know it can take forever to get it just right. In that time, the cereal would get soggy in milk, so white glue is used instead.
12. The «Powerball» in dishwasher tabs is a misnomer…
Instead, it’s a slightly domed shape. I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t even special detergent, but rather the same stuff dyed pink.
13. So much for that retirement plan.
So many folktales and advertisements have lied to us! Next time I see a box of Lucky Charms, I’m going to give that leprechaun a piece of my mind.
14. Not only are extra amps not required to make a concert sound great, the amps aren’t even real.
Basically it’s just another way for rockstars to try to outdo one another.
15. Don’t let them talk you into spending more for almost the same.
Those plastic cups may look as though there’s a four-ounce difference, but once you pour them into matching cups, you’ll see the truth.
16. Even the perfect hair flip is green screen magic!
Instead of having the model pull a muscle in their neck from multiple attempts at the perfect flip, a guy in a green suit does the flipping for her.
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