20 Interesting Uses For Hydrogen Peroxide


Something no first aid kit or medicine cupboard can go without is hydrogen peroxide, or oxygenated water, similar to regular water but with an extra oxygen atom.

This characteristic makes it excellent at disinfecting and eliminating bacteria, automatically making it very useful to have at home:

1. Unblocking ears: 3 drops in each ear and let it drain, eliminating ear wax easily.

2. Eliminating pesticides: soak vegetables in ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide and 3 cups of water for 30 minutes. Then rinse well and store in the fridge.

3. Kill germs in a room: mix 500 ml of hydrogen peroxide with 1 gallon of water and pour into a humidifier to clean the air.

4. Clean your toothbrush: leaving a wet toothbrush overnight isn’t the best thing for oral hygiene. Dip it into some hydrogen peroxide and it’s good to go!

5. Kill athlete’s foot fungus: mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water in an amber colored bottle, store out of direct sunlight, apply directly to the affected area.

6. Cleaning stains: any organic substance like sweat, blood, wine or food stains can be dissolved with some hydrogen peroxide and a little laundry detergent.

7. Protection against swimmer’s ear: to prevent the ears blocking with water, apply a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide into each ear before swimming.

8. Treatment against calluses: mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water and let feet soak to soften them.

9. Eliminate surfaces fogging up: clean bathroom mirrors with hydrogen peroxide and say goodbye to fogged up mirrors.

10. Cleanse your skin: the anti-bacterial properties of hydrogen peroxide can help cleanse your face as well.

11. Mouth rinse: not only does it kill mouth bacteria causing bad breath, but will also help whiten your teeth.


12. Clean and disinfect wounds: small cuts and scrapes will heal more quickly, free from harmful bacteria.

13. Alleviate toothache: a mixture of coconut oil and hydrogen peroxide is the perfect remedy to alleviate pesky toothache.

14. Clean your nasal cavity: helps keep the nose clear and clean, making breathing easier.

15. Detox your body: 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide in the bathtub is all you need to detox your body while you take a relaxing bath.


16. House cleaner: as a disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide is the ideal choice for any type of surface.

17. Clean your contact lenses: submerge your contact lenses in a hydrogen peroxide solution overnight.


18. Clean plastic bags: especially those you will use to store food.

19. Glass and window cleaner: spray a little hydrogen peroxide before cleaning with a wet cloth.

20. Disinfect your children’s lunchboxes: you wouldn’t believe the amount of bacteria found in lunchboxes. wet a cloth with some hydrogen peroxide, wipe down the lunchbox and it’s good to go.
