5 People With Rare Anomalies, They Are Even Hard To Believe


From time to time nature does shocking things not only for ordinary people but for doctors too. People with abnormalities are born. Here are 5 people, who lived in 19th-20th century. There were not like other people, but wanted to live like an ordinary one.

1. Ella Harper (1870 — 1921), known as “The Camel Girl” was born with a very rare orthopedic condition


Her knees bend backwards,  this condition is called congenital genu recurvatum.


Her preference to walk on all fours resulted in her nickname.


2. Fanny Mills (August 30, 1860 or 1859 — 1899) aka “The Ohio Big Foot Girl”.

Fanny had a disease called Milroy Disease which caused for legs and feet to become gigantic. Fanny was born in England and had two sisters, both were born normally.


In 1886 Fanny married William Brown. In 1887 she had a baby, but it died. Fanny died in 1899 when she was 39 years old. Fannie’s feet got to be 17 inches long, until she died in 1899.


3. Maurice Tillet  (October, 23 1903 — September, 4 1954) — professional wrestler, French. Was born in Russia. Known by his ring name “The French Angel”


In the early 1940s Maurice was extremely popular. American Wrestling Association recognized him as World Heavyweight Champion twice.


When Maurice was 17, he noticed his feet hands and head started to grow. He was diagnosed with acromegaly — a rather rare hormonal disorder that occurs when the pituitary gland produces excess growth hormone


4. Francesco (Frank) A. Lentini (May 18, 1881 — September 22, 1966) was born in Sicily, into a family of twelve children (7 sisters and 5 brothers). He was known for having three legs.


Lentini was born with a parasitic twin. The twin was attached to Lentini’s body at the base of his spine and consisted of a pelvis bone, a rudimentary set of male genitalia and a full-sized leg extending from the right side of Lentini’s hip, with a small foot protruding from its knee. According to archives, Lentini had 16 toes and 2 pairs of active male genitals. Doctors refused to separate twins, they were worried that may paralyze Frank.


Almost all his life Lentini spent in the USA, performing in circus. He was married, had 4 children, absolutely normal children.

5. Jean Libbera (1884 — 1936) aka “The double bodied man”.

Jean‘s twin, Jacques, was connected to him from his chest-stomach area. Jean was born in Rome.


Parasitic twin was alive and could move. An x-ray showed there was a head inside Jean‘s body, with a circumference of about six inches. He got married and had four normal children.


Such unusual people are born in our world. Well, actually they are normal, usual, but the nature gives them different bodies. Special bodies. And that wasn‘t an obstacle for those people to become loved, respected and happy.
