8 false medical beliefs that are still widely accepted as true


o remain healthy, we rely on beliefs which tell us what to do and what not to do. Unfortunately, beliefs become outdated as the world advances and grows. So what if I was to tell you that even the beliefs that we follow today are not completely true? As science begins to progress, it’s more evident that there are many false medical beliefs.
To ensure that our bodies remain healthy, we have to make sure that the beliefs we have are the correct ones. The last thing that you want is to be following a belief that could harm your body instead of protecting it.
With that said, below you will find health tips that are worth following, and ones that you will want to leave behind.

Pregnancy Lasts 9 Months: In the past, having a child meant that you would go through a 40-week pregnancy. That timeline is no longer correct. Research now shows that a pregnancy can vary. Research also indicates that only 5% of children are born on the exact date that is given.

Overweight Means Unhealthy: People who are obese are often said that they are “suffering” from a condition. But that is not true. An overweight person may not be as unfit as you may think. According to a study that was conducted by Dr. Steven N. Blair, an overweight individual who exercises regularly is only half of the death rate of a person who falls under the normal weight category.

Too Much Salt Is Not Good: Many people have heard the advice which says to reduce your salt intake if you want to lose weight or maintain a healthy blood pressure level. Although those may have some merit to them, it doesn’t mean that having too much salt is a bad thing. Studies indicate that there are some serious health benefits in an increased salt intake. If you have low salt levels, you increase your risk of developing diabetes and a decrease in your sex drive.

No Pesticides In Organic Food: Many people have jumped on the organic food train because of their sensational health benefits. Unfortunately, these benefits are not entirely correct. Even farms that grow organic foods are susceptible to pollution and chemicals from factories that pollute the air. So in order to protect the crops, farmers need to protect their crops with chemicals.


Honey Is Better Than Processed Sugar: Honey has a lot of health benefits, especially in regards to your skin. But what if I told you that honey actually has more calories than sugar? Although honey is used in smaller quantities, it has been linked to weight gain. If overused, honey is just as harmful as sugar; it can lead to diabetes, liver disease, and heart problems.

Carrots Can Give You Night Vision: This myth dates back to the WW2 propaganda. The British Air Force had developed a new radar technology, and in order to hide it from the rest of the world, they claimed that their success was due to the improved vision of their pilots who ate carrots. Unfortunately, this is not true, but what is true is that carrots have loads of vitamin. Vitamin A can help improve your eyesight, but it will not give you night vision.

You Need 8 Hours of Sleep: For a while, people were under the impression that you need a minimum of 8 hours of sleep in order to function. Unfortunately, this belief is just a myth, there is no actual research that states people need 8 hours of sleep. The average person sleeps just over 6 hours and has per night. According to research, people who sleep an average of 9-10 hours a day have an increased mortality rate. Those who sleep an average of 5-7 have a lower mortality rate.

If You Eat At Night, You Will Get Fat: It doesn’t matter if you eat more at lunch or dinner, you will gain weight if you consume more calories than you burn off. The US Department of Agriculture’s Weight Control Information Network states that it doesn’t matter what time you eat. They add that it matters what you eat, how much you eat and how much physical activity you do that will determine how much weight you will gain.
