Bus Driver Sees Disabled Girl Struggling To Come Down The Stairs. What He And His Friends Did Moved Me To Tears…


Sometimes, others have to affect us, change us, disrupt us to make our lives better.

The thing this man did for a disabled girl has really improved her life.


Thomas Mitchell didn’t know Lydia DeSpain. He only saw her every day when she got on to the school bus that he drives. Lydia is a 10 year old disabled girl, who uses a wheelchair. She had an obstacle: the stairs of her house.2

But Thomas, who saw the struggle day after day, decided to do something. He felt compelled to do something for this girl and her mom.


Thomas got together a group of his close friends, and with the help of a private company, constructed a wooden ramp over the stairs. For several hours they worked so that Lydia and her mom would have a better life.


They were left with a ramp allowing Lydia to easily get in and out of the house. 5

Undoubtedly, Thomas is a sensitive soul who has let Lydia touch his heart.
