Dad Hears Strange Noises Coming From Attic, Hides A Camera & Uncovers Disgusting Truth


Sure, we all think we hear noises late at night in the attic. However, most often it’s just our imagination running wild.
Sometimes after watching a frightening horror flick, we’re a bit more on edge wandering around our home during the late night hours. But, we quickly bring ourselves back down to reality and remember that «it’s just a movie.»


Chillingly, for one couple, this was no movie and the noises that they were hearing weren’t a figment of their imagination. It turned out to be something more.
Jerome and Ashley Kennedy live in a historic home in Pittsburgh with their 10-month-old baby girl. The couple’s home is attached to the neighboring house, which had been undergoing renovation.


One day, as Jerome was lying in bed, he began to hear noises coming from the attic space above him. He said, «I knew that somebody was up there.»
That’s when Jerome looked up and saw a flashlight shining through the vents into his bedroom. His worst suspicions were confirmed!


Jerome told Inside Edition as he pointed to the vent, «Then I saw the light right through there, like it was searching for a place to look through.» Someone was in this family’s attic, and had been spying on their every move.
Jerome decided to personally investigate what was going on. So he installed a surveillance camera in the attic of his home.


One day later, he reviewed the tape and watched in horror as the «reclusive man» who had been renovating the home next door crawled around the space just above his family’s bedroom. It was creepy!
Who knows what the stranger was up to up there. He might have just been seeking a place to sleep.
Or he might have something else scary in mind. How frightening!


Watch below to learn the details of this real-life terrifying tale!
