Dog Passes Out From Excitement After Being Reunited With Its Owner After 2 Years Apart


What a touching reunion!

Without doubt, dogs are very emotional animals. The same way like people, they may experience grief, anger, joy, terror, harassment, conciliation and many other emotions. But it was the first time in my life when I saw a dog fainting from happiness.

The movie features a schnauzer named Casey and Rebecca. Rebecca is the daughter of Casey’s owners. She was absent from home for two years, because she worked and lived in another country. After coming back home Rebecca meets Casey and it is not enough to say that the dog was happy to see her. It’s impossible even to understand what profound emotions overwhelmed the pet so much that she almost fainted.

On the video you may see that Rebecca laughs when sees such a warm welcoming her home. Me personally, I could not hold back tears when watched the poor pet going crazy. I was thinking about all of that time when the faithful and devoted dog was missing this laughing girl.

And what is your opinion about this situation?

So, what do you think about Rebecca and Casey? Please, Liked Video your opinion and the video with your friends. I guess you will have something to discuss after that.
