Elderly Woman In ER Needs Help, But Everyone Ignores Her. Then Military Man Approaches And Asks 1 Question


Aging can be one of the greatest experiences of our lives. The chances of seeing your children grow, seeing your family grow, spending time with your grandchildren, are all marvelous things.

However, getting older can also be very tiresome, difficult and lonely. One lady had the misfortune of learning this on her own when she was discharged from a local hospital.

Ashley Cherry witnessed the unpleasant event while sitting in the waiting room of a hospital in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. What she saw will probably stick with her for the rest of her life. Ashley was there because her husband had to visit the same emergency room as the elderly woman who seemed abandoned and left to sit in a wheelchair.
The lady was taken to the waiting area because she had been discharged from the hospital. However, she confided with the receptionist that she didn’t have any family nor anyone else who could take her home from there.

Without a reaction from the staff, and no transportation home, the lady had no other choice but to simply sit in that wheelchair, and hope for a miracle.

Ashley was infuriated by the scene. However, in an unlikely turn of events, a miracle did arrive in a form of a gentleman who offered help to the lady.

“I was saddened to see some (not all) of the employees’ lack of concern as to how she would get home. All of the sudden this AMAZING gentleman who had been waiting with his wife approached the lady and told her he would gladly take her home.”
The man had never met the lady before. He was at the hospital because his wife had to pay a visit to her doctor.

“This man not knowing her or having a clue where she lived volunteered his time to take care of this lovely woman. She offered to pay but he kindly declined like any good man would.”

Jeffery, a soldier, was stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, as Ashley found out after talking with his wife. When Ashley saw what the man was doing, she went over to help as well by wheeling the elderly lady outside while Jeffery was bringing his truck around to the hospital’s entrance.

Ashley also helped Jeffery put the woman into the car. She was beaming with happiness after witnessing the care and empathy Jeffery had shown for the lady in need.

“As I watched them drive away my only thoughts were ‘There are still great people in this world’ ‘and ‘We have to care for our elders like this nice man.’ Not only does this man serve our great country, he serves his great little community. Thank you, sir…”

Ashley shared the story on the Love What Matters Facebook page in hope of Jeffery seeing the post and realizing how much of an impact his good deed has had on her and their community.

Liked Video the story yourselves as well, and help spread this kind and compassionate act among as many people as possible! It may serve as an example for many and may help us make our communities better for everyone!
