Haunting Photo Shows Pregnant Woman Posing With Late Husband’s ‘Ghost’ For Maternity Shoot


Being pregnant can be one of the most beautiful, wonderful times of a woman’s life.

It can also be ridiculously demanding, both physically and emotionally.

Not only do women have to deal with the challenges of physically growing another human being, they also have to deal with the emotional toll that comes with hormonal changes and being comfortable in a constantly changing body.

For many moms-to-be, pregnancy is a time when they rely on their partner more than normal. They need their spouse or significant other to be there for them to support them through the ups and downs of carrying a child.

Amanda Snyder knew just how important her husband, Jesse Wayne Snyder, was to her stability during her pregnancy.

The two were expecting a baby boy and were in the middle of moving. Then, Jesse passed away.

To honor her late husband, Amanda decided to take maternity photos with his “ghost.”


After her husband Jesse passed away, Amanda contacted Shanna Logan Photography to talk about the possibility of maternity photos.

Amanda still wanted to honor Jesse in the photos, even though he couldn’t be there in person. Shanna Logan knew just what to do.

Shanna explained on Facebook:

Amanda Snyder lost her husband, Jesse Wayne Snyder, who passed while she was pregnant with their son.

She was in the middle of moving, big life changes, and about to deliver her precious baby boy very soon. We did the shoot in remembrance of him.

Shanna told Love What Matters:

She talked about him the entire time we shot. How she felt he was still there with her. How she is so happy for this gift, baby Jameson, and that she was going to be the best mom she could.

Tell him stories of his dad and carry him on. Let him know how loved he is and dad will always be there in spirit.

We both cried and hugged during the session. I could feel what she was feeling through her expressions.

We imagined him being there while we got some of the shots where we were adding him in, and you could see her pain while we shot.

Amanda and Jesse were married on March 10th, 2017. He passed away on May 27th, 2017 around noon.

He was cutting down trees on their family property with his parents. The tree fell fine, but hit another tree on the way down, struck a limb and killed him instantly.

For the baby, they chose the name Jameson William Snyder and picked it out together. It’s the same initials as his dad.

The blanket was sent to her in the mail by an unknown sender after he died. It said “God knew my heart needed you.”

While we shot, she talked about how she felt he was still there with her, there are signs and she can see them. The day after there was a storm, and there was a power outage.

The power luckily reset itself, and in the middle of the night while she was walking down the hall a license plate decoration in the hallway fell. It said “whatever it takes.”

She uses that for strength to know that whatever it takes, she is going to make it through this and he is there with her and Jameson every day.

She said the baby has the same grin as him. When he smiles she sees him.

Jameson William Snyder was born on August 2, 2017. Although his dad may not be here for his life, Amanda knows he’ll always be there in spirit.
