Here Is How Much You Need To Walk To Start Losing Weight


“Walking can be a simple, super-accessible way to lose weight, especially if your lifestyle keeps you chained to a desk or your car,” says Tennessee-based personal trainer and strength coach Hannah Davis, C.S.C.S. That’s because, apart from helping you boost your daily caloric burn, walking more is a great way to slash your stress levels, she says. Less stress = easier weight loss.
Here’s exactly how ramp up your calorie burn by walking toward your weight-loss goals.
#1 Summer Body
Most people say this is the year they’ll get that summer body, but many simply HATE the gym…


#2 Slow And Steady
You should start off walking 15 minutes a day, three days a week. But as you get healthier, you can go up to 60 mins per day!


#3 Use A Pedometer To Monitor Your Steps:
One mile= 2000 steps and 100 calories burned
1 pound= 3500 calories
Losing 1 pound in a week= 500 calories/day
Walk 10,000 steps to lose 1 pound of weight!


#4 How To Walk
Tighten your stomach to work the abs, and keep your eyes 100 feet ahead of you. Make sure your glutes are being squeezed and you’re zoned out to your music!


#5 Walk It Off
But walking is a great and effective alternative to working out at the gym. Walking 4 miles per hour will instantly burn 400 calories!

