How Quickly Can You Solve This Math Brain Teaser? We Challenge You!


When we were kids at school, teachers tended to give us timed math problems and brain teasers. It felt amazing to be the first one to solve them, right? Plus, while doing it, our brain is being put to work, and it helps us to be more mentally agile while solving other everyday problems.

This brain teaser we bring you today is one that kids tend to solve in elementary school. Let’s see how good you are at it. However, be careful, don’t be fooled, or look at the answer first.

Start your timer to see how long it takes you to solve it, and then share it with your friends. Are you ready?

How did you go? Did you take long? Here’s the answer:

1 small bowl = 8

1 large pot = 17

1 cup = 9
