If you like being alone then you probably have these 6 personality traits


Do you like spending time alone? Do you like shutting yourself off from the world and just existing, free from the chaos and constant chatter? Are you one of those people who like to switch off from time to time in order to recharge? If yes, then you are one of those people who understands the value of solitude and knows when you need to find your inner calm by stepping aside. If you agree that you are this way, at times, then there’s a very good chance that you may have the following six personality traits. Read on and judge for yourself.

#6 You’re very particular about boundaries

Good fences make good neighbors, goes the saying, and it is true for people who like their solitude. It does not mean that they are unreasonable and would flip out if boundaries are breached, but they like maintaining a distance between themselves and others. They can be comfortable and pleasant in social situations, but once they have moved out of that, they prefer not being disturbed. It is like they prefer isolation, social or otherwise, depending on the situation.

People who like being alone are also particular about psychological boundaries. What it means is that they will reveal only that much of information with which they are comfortable, and also would not intrude on another’s privacy. It’s not that they ask for boundaries just for themselves, but they would be the first ones to respect the boundaries you set for them. The fact is that if you are willing to notice, you would find their boundaries to be healthy and respectful and not imposed out of arrogance.

#5 You value time, and not just your own

The thing about people who like being alone is that they understand the value of time, given how short a time they get for themselves due to work and other pressures. They understand the importance of each moment and so each moment that they find out of their busy schedules, they prefer doing something productive. It may be as simple as just sitting still for 10 minutes, but those 10 minutes mean a lot to them.

And it’s not just their own time that they value but also that of the others. Since they understand how rare each moment of self-time can be, you will notice them being on point most of the time. They will be direct, precise and on topic in order to avoid wasting someone else’s time too. They would consciously not engage in discussion that is futile and they will ensure that they give you value for the time you spend with them.

#4 You are comfortable with your thoughts

People who like spending time alone spend much of their time with their thoughts. They like thinking and pondering over ideas that may be anything, but the point being that they do like this form of mental exercise. They will think about things, analyze them and more often than not come up with new ideas, as they let their thoughts simmer at the back of their minds while they are actively engaged elsewhere.

They are also the people who are really good with emotions. This is because they spend a lot of time analyzing their own thoughts and behavior that they become very good at understanding the same in others. They value their own thoughts (of course) but as it turns out, they value the thoughts of others too. It’s like they need thoughts to survive during their solitude and they welcome the same with open arms.


#3 You are calm and composed

This shouldn’t come as a surprise as you probably would have guessed their overall behavior pattern. The fact is that being by themselves, they have understood their own thoughts and emotions. They have understood what their strengths and weakness are as well as what makes them happy or upset. This level of understanding comes quite naturally to them as they find themselves alone with their own thoughts.

No wonder they have a level head, thinking, analyzing and pondering. They have a firm control over their impulses because they have spent enough time understanding them. They do not lose themselves in new or unwanted situations as they know they are quite adaptable as well. So, when it comes to dealing with new situations or handling difficult ones, they would be ready and well equipped mentally to save the day.

#2 You are extremely loyal

This is the one thing that you would consistently find among people who like being alone (except of course if they are psychopaths). The thing is, since they have set boundaries and try to avoid unnecessary associations, the people they let into their lives mean a lot to them. If you are one of the people who like being alone, you would agree that the people in your life are more important than probably anyone else in the world. And if you are not, you may understand why they care so much about those in their lives.

Loyalty, therefore, is one trait that defines them more than anything else. Also, the loyalty is not just something superficial, they are loyal and on equal terms. What it means is that they would also expect loyalty in turn (though they might not say it out loud). Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, is probably a phrase written to describe them as they actually practice this belief. Their loyalty, therefore, is something that should be cherished as it is as rare as rare could be.

#1 You are addicted to solitude and guard it zealously

Never ever try to disturb a person in solitude as that is the one thing that they would kill you for (not really though). When alone, they are in a world of their own, which they have created bit by bit and patiently. The world of their own is something that they can never give up on, nor can they let anyone in. While in public, you can have a lot of fun with them, but once they are in their private zone, they really don’t like intrusions.

This, as a matter of fact, is sort of an addiction. They have learned to love their isolation, they have found their true selves there and they would not part with it under any circumstances. Such is their level of commitment to their peace and solitude that they may even give up lucrative jobs if it does not allow for their personal time. It is important to understand that this does not mean that they are lonely. On the contrary, they are with their best friend, themselves.

