Itchy Ears: 6 Common Causes And Ways To Treat This Condition


Is it hard for you to keep from scratching your ears? Unfortunately, this is a problem that can be encountered at any age and at any time. However, finding a way to get rid of the problem depends primarily on the cause of the itch. But anyway, it is never a good idea to put objects in your ears to scratch the inside, because you can cut yourself or damage your inner ear.

To identify the cause of the problem, consider the following possibilities.

1. Earwax build-up
Your body cleans dead skin cells and dirt from your ears, and this results in ear wax. But when there is too much accumulation of this waxy substance, your ears may itch. To eliminate this problem, it is recommended to try OTC drops (but never a cotton swab!). If this does not help, see your doctor.


2. Different infections
Itchy ears can sometimes be a sign of an infection. Bacteria and viruses are often the cause of these infections that usually occur when you have a cold, flu or allergy. Only one outcome is possible — treat the infection. It is recommended to consult your doctor to get prescription drops or an antibiotic treatment.
3. Skin allergies
The itching of the skin inside your ears can be caused by an allergic reaction which, in turn, can be caused by cosmetics (hairspray or shampoo), or objects made of nickel (earrings), plastic, rubber or metal that you put in your ears. To put an end to this problem, determine which item you are allergic to and stop using it. In addition, you can talk to your doctor so that they prescribe a steroid cream to stop your need to scratch yourself.


4. Food allergies
If you have hay fever or a pollen allergy, your ears may itch when you consume certain fruits, vegetables or nuts. This problem is known as oral allergy syndrome and you can notice it during the allergy season. In most cases, the situation goes away on its own.

5. Eczema or psoriasis
If you suffer from these skin conditions, you can also face the problem of itchy ears. You can treat this with drops.


6. Improper ear cleaning
Putting cotton swabs in your ears can inflame your ear canal and cause itching. Hairpins, matches and fingers can also cause this and thus facilitate the appearance of infections.

We hope that this information will be useful to you so that you know how to react if you encounter these same problems in the future.
