Leg Cramps: 6 Tips That May Help Avoid Them


Have you ever experienced leg cramps at night? I know from my own experience that this condition can be so painful that it may truly ruin your sleep. But sometimes leg cramps can be a sign of a disease! And in this case don’t wait and call a doctor.
Here are several tips that will help you treat unpleasant leg cramps.

Stretch your muscles

Use a rolled towel to ease your pain when a cramp strikes. According to WebMD, you need to sit up and straighten the legs. Then place the towel around your foot and gently pull your foot back. It is important to keep your knee straight while doing this exercise. The cramps should release.

Ride a bicycle
Riding a bike is an incredible way to prevent cramps. Researchers say it works because the motion of riding stretches your muscles.

Drink enough
Leg cramps are usually connected with imbalances in electrolytes and dehydration, so drinking water will help to prevent this painful condition.

Stretch for several minutes before going to bed
Take certain vitamins
Potassium and magnesium may be helpful in the struggle against cramps. But be careful consult with your doctor before taking any vitamins. You may also include potassium-rich foods in your diet to improve your condition. Choose bananas, grapes, oranges, and cabbage.

Loosen sheets
Keeping your blankets and sheets loose around your feet is also important. As a result, you legs will be in a comfortable position.

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