Leg Cramps Cause A Massive Pain And Don‘t Let You Sleep At Nights? Here‘s How To Get Rid Of Them For Good!


Muscle cramps are strong sudden contractions of muscles that may last from a few seconds to several minutes. Most often, they occur in the legs. Leg cramps can cause a massive pain disrupting a person‘s sleep. Although they are more common in adults over age 50, they also do occur in younger adults and children. If you are one of those who suffer from nocturnal leg cramps, you should read the information below. We‘ve gathered the most effective ways to relieve this nasty pain.

Knee and hamstring injury

Male athlete on floor clutching knee and hamstring in excrutiating pain on white background
Male athlete on floor clutching knee and hamstring in excrutiating pain on white background

1. Stretch your calf muscles with a towel. Stretching the affected muscle is the best way to stop the cramps. WebMD suggests stretching your legs with a rolled towel. Just keep a towel next to your bed. Whenever a cramp strikes, sit up in bed and straighten the leg. Place the rolled towel around the ball of the foot and pull the foot back. It‘s important to keep your knee straight.

2. Loosen sheets and blankets at your feet. Make sure your toes are not mangled in uncomfortable cramp-causing positions. Don’t wrap your feet in sheets too tight.

3. Ride a bike. This exercise is a fantastic preventative against leg cramps as it stretches the muscles. If weather conditions don‘t let you ride outdoors, hop on a stationary bike at home or at your local gym.


4. Stand up and stretch. It is one of the best methods for relieving calf cramps. Stand up and shift your weight to the affected leg. You may slightly bend the knee. If the pain is unbearable and you cannot stand, try to stretch while sitting.

5. Drink until your urine is clear. Cleveland Clinic says this problem is often linked to dehydration and imbalances in electrolytes. That is why you need to drink a minimum of six to eight classes of water daily to prevent cramps.

6. These vitamins might help. Potassium and magnesium can help you in the fight against cramps. Doctor’s Health Press recommends a daily magnesium supplement of 300– 500 mg. You can also increase it through eating bananas, grapes, apricots, oranges, and cabbage.

7. Stretch for 3 minutes before bed. Only 3 minutes of leg stretching before going to bed will result in less severe cramps during the night. Do it daily, and the pain will go away.

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