Mama dog is frightened and whimpering. Now watch when rescuer shows her one of her puppies


Employees of the Marin County Humane Society could not understand why a dog they were given was so sad. They went ahead to treat and take care of her but things never changed as the devastation of the dog never changed. But the problem was found out. The dog had given birth to a litter of puppies and she was longing to have some time with her newborns.

But the shelter could not let the dog suffer that much. They worked hard to re-unite the family so that they could get her excitement back. They went out and reached the previous owners of the dog and urged them to surrender the puppies. The mother of the puppies was so happy when she saw her babies.

You just need to watch this heartwarming moment when the two, mother and kids come face to face. The mom could not be able to stand still as joy took the center stage. It is adorable how Cora-the dog, changed in mood over the rest of the time that she stayed there.
