McDonald’s Cut Down This Farmer’s Hedge. What He Did To Take Revenge Is Hilarious


The ambiguous incident happened in Hampshire. A farmer claimed that McDonald’s had cut his fence to erect their roadside sign. It seemed that nothing could be done. But the farmer didn’t want to keep it without a fight. The man understood that he couldn’t remove that billboard, but he could do something more amusing.

The angry farmer just pulled hay in front of the sign, so the hundreds of drivers using this road every day cannot see the billboard. That’s why they don’t know about this eatery in Owen.

The McDonald’s recently became one of the biggest chain’s restaurants to offer table service in this city. Look at this picture! The farmer probably was very upset of his hedge.


Anyway, this big road has a potentially large number of cars passing by, but none of the drivers and passengers can notice the advertisement because of hay.


What a perfect revenge, but maybe it was too much. What do you think? Share this interesting story with your friends to get their views.
