Meet rare twins of different races: two peas in a pod who look nothing like each other


These girls from Gloucester, UK, are best friends; they appear everywhere together and trust each other more than anyone else in the world. But not only friendship unites these two.

They are also twins. People usually do not believe it, and friends have even asked them to show their birth certificates to prove this fact. They do look astonishingly different.


The parents of Lucy and Maria Aylmer were shocked when they found out they were going to have twins! But the day of their birth was the real surprise.

Donna, the mother of Lucy and Maria, was shocked when she saw one white and one black baby. The sonogram could not possibly predict the race of the babies.


Their mother Donna is half Jamaican and their father Vince is white. Fraternal twins grow in separate eggs, so it is possible they inherited different genes.


Maria with her dark skin tone and a bush of black curly hair carries her mom’s features. Lucy has pale white skin, amber straight hair and freckles on her face just like their dad.

No one ever takes one for the other! They have different personalities, too.


Maria is outgoing and open-minded, and her sister Lucy is the opposite – shy and reserved.

The girls studied in the same class, but different interests made them choose separate colleges. Maria studies law at Cheltenham College, and Lucy does art and design at Gloucester College.


This is how the twin sisters look today!

Lucy Aylmer

Maria Aylmer


Even though these ladies do not even look like sisters, they are proud to have each other, and their connection is very strong!
