Only The Most Attentive People Can Pass This Test! It’s Not As Easy As It Might Seem At First Glance!


Many people are thoroughly convinced that all tests created to check a person’s intellectual level are worthless. But they are wrong!

You’re probably aware of the fact that we are able to fully focus on just one target at a time. Thus, it is very important for us to manage to remain focused in such a world that pulls us in different directions every day.

That is why we propose you many tests that not only check how attentive you are but also they are quite helpful in developing your focusing skills.

Well, here is one interesting test for you. There are many letters Q in this picture, but three letters O hid in here. Will you dare to find them in 10 seconds? Good luck!


Frankly speaking, I’ve found only two. It’s not as easy as it might seem at first glance!

The answers are given below but you have to promise you will not cheat!

